大货: 支持
基本信息 | 派送渠道 | 服务内容 |
仓库面积:110000平方米 |
DHL UPS EMS 快递 USPS 当地卡车运输 FedEx pony快递(小马快递) 海运 陆运 空运 |
清关服务 退货处理 退货检测 垫资代采 海外客服 一件代发 中转服务 海外线下销售渠道 海外公司注册 代运营 定制化物流仓储管理 海外营销 海外员工招聘 翻译服务 海外仓滞销库存处理 COD代收货款 FBA中转 沃尔玛代发 退货回国 卖家售后中心 尾程渠道 美金购汇售汇 分货贴标 食品储存 可亚马逊自提 仓配一体 |
支持大货:支持 | ||
订单处理量:5000 |
HYTX 17 Logistics是美西地区最大的海外仓,占地面积为110,000平方英尺,拥有25个卸柜码头和2个地面码头。我们仓库离最近的亚马逊仓库只有短短30分钟车程。为了提高客户满意度,我们有专业的销售,执行,管理团队,和一流的客服人员。我们聘请的员工都是业内资深人士有多年的从业经验,多方位满足客户需求。
1. 头程物流——货物从国内集货仓到通过海运方式运输至美西仓并上架,需要28-32个自然日。货物从国内集货仓到通过海运方式运输至美东仓并上架,需要35-38个自然日。
2. 清关/保税仓——顺利报关运输至目的港后,还需要进行进口清关,海外仓服务商会预先支付一部分税金并代理清关。货物符合目的国清关规定后,则会被放行离港。
3. 港口/铁路提柜/机场提货——自有海外仓系统、全程实时跟踪、全天24小时发
4. 海外仓一件代发——自有海外仓系统、全程实时跟踪、全天24小时发货
5. 海外仓中转/补仓——FBA货物中转/补仓 卖家提前从中国进口一批货物,先存放在第三方海外仓,等到FBA的货物快销售完的时候,可以提前预约把货物补到FBA仓。
6. 海外仓退货换标——海外仓转指定区进行维修、翻新、暂存、退货回国、销毁综合性服务
7. 海外仓产品检测——海外仓产品检测服务帮助卖家检测产品促成二次销售
8. 尾程派送卡车/快递物流——支持多种快递及卡车配送,有效降低物流成本。
HYTX 17 Logistics is the biggest overseas warehouse in the Northwest coast that take up 110,000 square feet with 25 loading docks and 2 ground level docks. Our facility location is only 30 minutes away driving distance to the closest Amazon Fulfillment Center. We have leading sales, operating, and management team, together with great customer service to provide customers the greatest experience there is. We hired employees who have many years of experience and obtain great depth of knowledge in the fields to fulfill customers’ need.
Below is a short list of our product service and description.
1. First Carrier Logistics – It takes 28-32 natural days for goods to be transported from domestic warehouse to our warehouse by sea.
2. Customs clearance/bonded warehouse – after successful customs declaration and transportation to the destination port, import customs clearance is also required. The overseas warehouse service chamber will pay part of the tax in advance and act as the customs clearance agent. The cargo will be released from the port once it meets the customs clearance requirements of the country of destination.
3. Pick up goods at port/railway/airport – our own overseas warehouse management software system that provides real-time tracking through the whole process.
4. Overseas warehouse consignment – our own overseas warehouse management software system that provides real-time tracking through the whole process.
5. Overseas transfer/cover position – the seller imports a batch of goods from China in advance and stores them in the overseas warehouse of a third party. When the FBA goods are nearly sold out, the seller can make an appointment in advance to replenish the goods to the FBA warehouse.
6. Overseas warehouse returns and exchange of marks – overseas warehouse transfer to designated area for maintenance, renovation, temporary storage, return home, destruction of comprehensive services.
7. Overseas warehouse product testing – overseas warehouse product testing service helps sellers to test products and promote secondary sales.
8. Tailgate deliver truck/express logistics – support a variety of express delivery and truck delivery, effectively reduce logistics costs.